Leverage:More guests and more $$$ to your Auction

More bidders equal more dollars for you in your silent, and especially the “Paddles Up” or “Fund a Need”.

There is a popular show called “Leverage” on TNT right now. It’s all about a group of con men who help out people who need it. They have become the good guys and they bring leverage to bear for respectable reasons. But how can leverage help you at your Gala? How can it increase the number of people that come to your event and generate $10,000 or $20,000 in additional revenue?

The answer is for you to leverage the attendees that are coming or supporters that are not by utilizing them to get more attendees to attend. Mr. John Duffy is on your board. He has been on your board for several years and has been contributing a significant amount to your organization. He believes in the mission but he does not attend your events. He goes to other Galas and Tournaments because his friends invite him. Why not approach him with an idea?

“John, if you can attend the event and bring a table of 8 of your friends and business associates we will have a chance to tell them about what we do. If we explain the need maybe they will be motivated to participate. All you need to do is invite them to a party!”

How many other Galas and events does John get invited to? This is his chance for a little “Payback” (Another great movie).

John does not have to even be on the board, but maybe a good supporter or donor. Think about your list of contributors. Do any of them fit this description? I am big proponent of doing the math. Find 5 of these hidden jewels in your volunteer structure, ask those 5 to get 8 couples to come to the event and let your professional Auction team do the rest. That is 40 new attendees and if you can generate $500 per new attendee that is $20,000 in additional revenue.
Don’t bear the burden alone of trying to fill the room. Ask for help, and you might just get it!