High Dollar Sponsor Packages for your Gala

You need the right kind of bidders to attend your gala. That is just common sense. High Dollar Sponsor Packages can help you fill your Gala with bidders that can spend top dollar on your items and donate to your “Fund a Need” at higher levels. What kind of packages can you offer to entice these individuals of affluence and influence to get them to buy a table and fill it with their freinds and associates? Here is one example from a Gala we are working with:

Blues Legend:- $5000-$7500
– Table for 10 ( Front Row Seating)
-Prominent listing in post event advertising
-Event Advertising
-Two tickets to special lunch with Mack Brown and Ben Barnes
-Autographed Marcia Ball CD
-Complimentary Parking
-Two tickets to VIP after party with Marcia Ball

Blues Rocker:- $3500-$4999
-Tabel for 10 ( Prominent Seating)
-Prominent listing in post event advertisement
-Event Advertising
-Two Tickets to special lunch with Mack Brown and Ben Barnes
-Autographed Marcia Ball CD

Blues Jr. $2000
-Table for 10 (prominent seating)
-Prominent listing in post event advertisement
-Event Advertisement
-Marcia Ball CD

Event Advertisement means Name/Company Logo projected onto a large media screen and prominent advertising in all annual publications of the organization this calendar year.