Fundraising & Benefit Auctions 2008-10-28 10:40:00

These are difficult times for Fundraisers planning their 2009 campaigns. A few basic tips:

Communication is most important in fundraising…let your donors know your plans/needs!

Make your current and future donors feel proud, important and needed as they have a lot on their minds. Keep your focus on the donor. They cannot doubt your needs!

Spotlight on the basics, no trick plays; communicate, recognize and reward donors with praise and visible thanks. They are your most important asset.

When is the right time to fundraise? Now if you are prepared. Do not cut back on fundraising spending-if anything be more aggressive in your plans. The more you ask the more you receive.

Spending less on fundraising will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Be passionate about your cause, volunteers and staff. If leadership gets down so does the entire base! Use recognition as a motivational means to increase gifts.

Do not be afraid to ask for the gift perhaps structured over a longer amount of time. Do not be timid or pessimistic but compassionate with a donors situation.

Be prudent in your recognition spending, yet remember recognition brings in more money as you outline your needs in a very visible format for all to see.